Basic Upload and Modelling - Worlds
The easiest and most comprehensive way to learn world creation is by watching the tutorial series...
Pickupabble objects require 3 components: Rigid body: allows object to interact with physics...
Prefabs allow for an object and all its components to be saved into a single asset.These are es...
World Tutorial series
Have you ever wanted to make your own world, but never new where to start? I am currently making ...
Types of lighting: Real-time- calculates lighting every frame Baked- pre-calculates lighting ...
Level Design
Have you ever pulled on a door handle, only when you should have pushed? Level design, like door ...
Particles[] An important note about particles, you may have seen that if you r...
Post Processing
You can easily apply post processing to your scene by using the quick function in VRWorldToolkit....
Audio[] Create a new empty GameObject and add the component VRC Spatial Audio So...
Udon is how to make code in VRChat worlds. It is a visual scripting language, which means it us...
Final Things (Version control, optimizations)
Version Control If you are putting a lot of time and effort into a world, version control is a m...
World Work in Blender (Advanced Users)
Level Design in Blender You can greybox your basic level design and shapes in Unity using Probui...
Materials for Worlds
For an ideal introduction I would recommend watching my video on the topic of materials in my C...