Varneon's Unity Development Handbook
Due to overflowing amount of information about Unity development in my head I tend to forget things easily. This book is a place where I will put most of that information in so it's available more easily for everyone, including myself.
Relative Project Paths
When you want to save assets from scripts in your Unity project, you may often run into an error ...
Scriptable Objects
CreateAssetMenu Attribute // menuName: Path to the menu item // fileName: Default name of the...
Build Automation
Receive Callback On Build using UnityEditor.Callbacks; namespace Varneon.Editor.BuildPostPr...
OnSceneGUI In Editor Window
This is how you can get OnSceneGUI features like Handles to work on EditorWindows. private voi...
Custom Editor Menu Items
How to create different types of menu items for the Unity Editor. Custom Toolbar Menu This is...
Get Current Project Window Directory
This is how you can get the current directory of the Project window: using System.Reflection; u...
Rebuilding UI Layout from OnValidate
UI Basics and Beyond | Rebuilding UI Layout Attempting to call LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayo...