Standard Shader and You
This book covers how to use Standard/PBR shading and make stuff look nice, in simple terms,
The Standard shader is one of the many misunderstood parts of Unity in VRchat. It provides a fair...
Types of Textures
There's a popular saying among programmers; "garbage goes in, garbage comes out"! If you don't kn...
First, we have the albedo map. The albedo map is uninteresting, but very important. It's where th...
Normal Maps
Next, we have the normal map. The normal map defines details on the surface of the material seper...
Specular and Metallic Maps
Specular maps are a tricky subject. Many write ups explaining specular maps focus on how a specif...
Occlusion, Height, and Emission Maps
Occlusion Maps Next up are occlusion maps. These maps contain ambient shadows - the cracks and c...
Detail Mask and Details Maps
Detail Mask Next up is the detail mask, which controls how the detail map in the next section is...
Visual Example
How do these textures look? Well, I've included a sample right here. Here is a section of cloth...
Creating Specular/Metallic Maps for Standard
When using the Standard shader, it expects the metallic and smoothness map to be elements of the ...
Creating maps from a pre-existing texture with Materialize
For world creators, Materialise is great. What is it? It's a tool that, given a simple tiling tex...
Conclusion and Tips
The Standard shader is really misunderstood in VRchat. I've heard many people curse and blame Sta...