Applying Custom Normals to Avatars
Control the lighting of your avatar's face the quick and lazy way.
If you've ever disliked the way your cartoon or anime-styled avatar looks under certain lighting ...
Getting Prepared
This will only work in versions of Blender from 2.8+. The add-on we're going to use, Abnormal, do...
Crash course Vertex Group painting
We need to tell Abnormal which vertices to influence and which ones not to. Abnormal uses vertex ...
Custom Normals 1: "Flat" Face
The simplest way to apply custom normals to a face is to flatten them, giving the face the appear...
Custom Normals 2: "Cylinder" Face
Shading the face cylindrically is slightly more advanced but still a simple and lazy process. Se...
Custom Normals 3: "Two Halves" Face
Select your head/face mesh and open the right-side panel (press N). Under the Abnormal tab, there...