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Preparing the World

This guide will go over how to make a room where you can walk on the floor and on the wall, but you can extend this to any number of orientations.

The first thing you should do is create a spawn area. This area will not be part of the wall walking room but is still needed:

  1. This will be a safe area outside of the system
    1. Some people can get sick just thinking about odd rotations
  2. A player must initiate to enter the system 
    1. You can use this as a way to catch for errors when people don't enter the station
  3. Have an area where you can drop portals
    1. Portals in the system will only be in the orientation dropped

Spawn Area

Next, create your room. This can be as complicated as you want. Ensure that everything is under one parent. This parent will be the origin of the world and how we determine relative position between orientations.

First Room with positive Y up.

When you have the room ready, duplicate it, move it out of the way, and rotate it so that the part you want to walk on is now the new floor. Note that normally you wouldn’t let room orientations see each other.

Second Room with positive X up.