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Station Object

At this point, we can start working with stations to start repositioning players. For now, we are only going to create one station to test the system before extending it to all players.

Create a new object. Add a VRCStation component to it. 

  1. Set Mobility to Immobilize
  2. Set Seated to unchecked
  3. Set Disable Station Exit to checked
  4. Set Can Use Station From Station to unchecked

Create another object and set it as a child of the station. This will be for the player's position. In the station script, set the "Player Enter Location" and "Player Exit Location" to this new child transform. Create another object as a child of the station and add VRCObjectSync. This will be how the player's relative position is synced to all players.

Station HierarchyVRCStation ComponentPlayerSync object