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Station Annoyances

In SDK3, teleporting the player will force exit stations. Depending on your setup and uses, you may want to have a check for if the player exits the station at an unexpected moment. If you initiate the teleport, then you can try to force the player back into the station. Make sure to do this in a delayed way since you cannot force a player back into a station in the same event as OnStationExited. Note that Respawn will also force exit the station, but it is not recommended to force the player back into the station as this is a good way to exit any unusual situations. 

Force entering stations only work for humanoid avatars. If a player is in a generic avatar (or questionable client user), then you will need to check for this.

Stations only allow one user to be in them at a time. If you want to apply this technique to everyone in the instance, you will need to give every player their own unique station. This can be achieved using object pools. It is recommended to use a system like CyanLaser's CyanPlayerObjectPool.