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What are attributes?

Attributes are "markers" or "tags" for associating metadata with code in a declarative way. They can be used to tell the Unity Editor, C# compiler, or even our own scripts how to treat certain classes, fields, methods, and so on.

Attributes are declared right before their target and are always wrapped in brackets:

using JetBrains.Annotations;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UdonSharp;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using Varneon.VUdon.Editors;
using Varneon.VUdon.Noclip.Abstract;
using Varneon.VUdon.Noclip.Enums;
using VRC.SDKBase;
using VRC.Udon.Common;

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Varneon.VUdon.Noclip.Editor")]

namespace Varneon.VUdon.Noclip
    public partial class Noclip : UdonSharpBehaviour
        [FoldoutHeader("Options", "Options that can be edited before build and in-game")]
        [Tooltip("Method for triggering the noclip mode")]
        private NoclipTriggerMethod noclipTriggerMethod = NoclipTriggerMethod.DoubleJump;

        [FieldLabel("Toggle Threshold (s)")]
        [Tooltip("Time in which jump has to be double tapped in order to toggle noclip")]
        [FieldRange(0.1f, 1f)]
        private float toggleThreshold = 0.25f;

        [FieldLabel("Speed (m/s)")]
        [Tooltip("Maximum speed in m/s")]
        private float speed = 15f;

        [PublicAPI("Sets noclip enabled")]
        public void _SetNoclipEnabled(bool enabled)

        private static void InitializeOnBuild() { }

What attributes should I know about?

There are several quality of life attributes that everyone should know and use, and here are most of them:

Field Attributes

These attributes can be used on fields, primarily to alter their appearance in the inspector.

[Range] Restrict a float or int variable to a specific range
[Min] Restrict a float or int variable to a specific minimum value
[Header] Add a space and a header above a field in inspector
[TextArea] Make string field height-flexible and scrollable
[ColorUsage] Configure Color field to support HDR and/or alpha
[GradientUsage] Configure Gradient field's color space and HDR
[Space] Add a space above a field in inspector
[SerializeField] Force Unity to serialize a private field
[HideInInspector] Hide a variable from the inspector
[Tooltip] Display a text in inspector when hovering over a field
[NonSerialized] Prevent variable from being serialized (also hides from inspector)
[NonReorderable] Disable default reorderability in new array and list fields (Unity 2020.2+)
[FormerlySerializedAs] Preserve original serialized value of a field when renaming it

Class Attributes

These attributes can be used on classes.

[UdonBehaviourSyncMode] Enforce a synchronization mode of an UdonSharpBehaviour
[DefaultExecutionOrder] Specify the execution order of update loops in relation to other UdonSharpBehaviours
[RequireComponent] Add a component automatically to the same object and prevent its removal
[DisallowMultipleComponent] Prevent multiple instances of the component from being added to the same object
[AddComponent] Specify the path to this component in the "Add Component" menu
[ExcludeFromPreset] Prevent creation of presets from instances of the class
[SelectionBase] Mark the GameObject as a selection base object for Scene View picking
[Icon] Specify an icon for a MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject (Unity 2021.3+)

Method Attributes

These attributes can be used on methods.

[ContextMenu] Add a command to the Component's context menu

Common Attributes

[Obsolete] Mark an element to be no longer in use
[PublicAPI] Mark publicly available API which should not be removed and treated as used
[UsedImplicitly] Indicates that the marked symbol is used implicitly (e.g. via reflection, in external library)
[NotNull] Indicates that the value of the marked element can never be null
[CanBeNull] Indicates that the value of the marked element could be null sometimes

Other Attributes

These attributes don't fall into the categories above, but are extremely useful and commonly used.


This attribute allows you to make your Runtime assembly's internal members visible to the Editor assembly.

Example of this attribute being used: Udonity's AssemblyInfo.cs

  1. Create a new C# file called `AssemblyInfo.cs` into your Runtime folder
  2. Add the following content inside the file: 
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("YOUR_EDITOR_ASSEMBLY_NAME_HERE")]


Mark a ScriptableObject-derived type to be automatically listed in the Assets/Create submenu.

Learn more about ScriptableObjects here.

// menuName: Path to the menu item
// fileName: Default name of the new file
// order: Priority of the menu item (100 is often reasonble)
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "VUdon - Vehicles/Data Presets/Car Spec Sheet", fileName = "NewCarSpecSheet.asset", order = 100)]
public class CarSpecSheet : ScriptableObject { }


Use this attribute on enum value declarations to change the display name shown in the Inspector.

public enum ColorDisplayMode
    [InspectorName("RGB 0-255")]

    [InspectorName("RGB 0-1.0")]
