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Adding your own book to the wiki

Here's how you can add a book of your own!

  1. Create an account by clicking 'Sign up' in the menu.
  2. Confirm your email address. You're good to go!
  3. Create a book by going to 'Books' and selecting 'Create new Book'. Give it a nice title, thumbnail and maybe some tags!
  4. To fill your book, you'll need to add pages, which you can optionally divide into chapters. You can tag individual pages or chapters, making them easier to find in the search.
  5. That's it! Your book (and its content) will be visible in the 'Books' tab. If you'd like your book to be added to a bookshelf, contact an administrator! Enjoy.

Here'sWhy hownot thisadd some tags to your page or book?

How BookStack is currently structured:


  • Shelves contain books.
    • Only admins can manage shelves
    • Books do not need to be in a shelf. They can also be in multiple shelves.
  • Books are be created by users.
    • Only the user who created a book can manage it.
  • Pages are contained in books. Pages can be organized into Chapters.
  • Tags can be added to shelves, books or pages to categorize them.