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Converting to Android

Since Windows and Android are dramatically different platforms, Unity compresses and formats files in different ways.

Whenever you swap between PC and Android though, Unity will store the state of your files or “cache” them, for when you convert it back to the other version.

And that’s exactly what the button labeled “Switch Build Target to Android” in the SDK Panel does.

HOWEVER! There’s *one* setting we want to change before doing that, and that’s under File, Build Settings.

This window gives us settings for every platform Unity can build to, but since VRChat only supports PC and Android, those are the only two we’ll care about.

In fact, Android is the only one we even want to open.

You’ll want to change “Texture Compression” to ASTC.

Normally, the compression used by Unity for Android will muddy the textures up in a noticeable way, and leaving this setting on ASTC will resolve that issue.

Closing that, the Switch Build Target button will have Unity go through the caching process.

The first time will probably take a while depending on the complexity of your assets, typically texture, audio, and model count, though it’ll be much quicker on every subsequent conversion and only need to convert new or modified assets.

That should be it, though for worlds, you’ll probably need to re-bake your lighting after swapping over.