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Interactable World Space UI Canvas

This is still just the raw structure of the steps involved! Images and more details will be added soon.

  • Create a UI canvas
    • Right-click on your hierarchy, click on "UI > Canvas"
  • Switch Render Mode on Canvas to World Space
  • Reset the Canvas' Rect Transform
  • Set the Width and Height of the Rect Transform to 1000
  • Set the Scale of the Rect Transform to 0.001
  • Add VRCUiShape to the same GameObject as Canvas
  • Change the GameObject's layer to Default
  • Add a Panel
    • Right-click on the Canvas in your hierarchy, click on "UI > Panel"
  • Disable Raycast Target and Maskable toggles on the Image component
  • Create a UI Canvas
  • Switch Render Mode on Canvas to World Space

1) Create a UI Canvas


Canvas is the root component of every UI

  • Create a new Canvas in your scene by right-clicking your hierarchy and clicking on "UI > Canvas"



2) Make Canvas World Space
