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Many of you may already know that calling GetComponent is pretty expensive in Unity.

But how expensive is it in Udon? Let's see!

I executed two methods Benchmark1 and Benchmark2 and compared their execution time.

public override void Benchmark1()
	Labyrinth labyrinth = GetComponent<Labyrinth>();
	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		labyrinth.InitGrid(2, 2);

public override void Benchmark2()
	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		Labyrinth labyrinth = GetComponent<Labyrinth>();
		labyrinth.InitGrid(2, 2);

Both methods do the same thing, except that Benchmark2 calls GetComponent inside a for-loop

B1 : 60.0576 msĀ 
B2 : 111.367 ms (1.85 times slower)

The difference is very noticeable, I'ld hightly recommend to call GetComponent<>() only once, for instance in Start()