Blu's List of known VCC Community Repositories
This is a list of Community Repositories that can be added to the VRChat Creator Companion for use in your projects.
Work in Progress! Expect this page to be updated on a regular basis as more Community Repositories become available to the public.
For Avatars SDK 3.2.x
Pumkin's VPM Repo by rurre (Pumkin)
- Pumkins Avatar Tools: An excellent editor script that adds tools to help you setup avatars faster and easier. It includes a component copier that makes it a lot easier to reimport your avatars, and tools to make your thumbnails nicer.
- Editor Screenshot: A Unity editor script for taking screenshots in the editor. Extremely useful for making Transparent screenshots directly in Unity for use on Thumbnails.
Raz's VPM Repo by Razgriz
For Worlds SDK 3.2.x
CyanTrigger by CyanLaser
- A VRChat Udon compiler that simplifies creating logic while still providing the full power of Udon. Features Event and Action lists with in-scene editing. Visually similar to VRCSDK2's VRC_Trigger. A perfect introduction to using Udon for those who have previously used SDK2.
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