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Blender 3 & 2.8x Mapping config for mapping

A text Guide can be found below.

The ultimate config to build large scale scenes and map them out without hassle. To make Atoll of Ether I have decided to switch to Blender, though the default config is not really made for mapping like Hammer or ProBuilder is. This setup has been refined over the course of making the World and can be downloaded here.

Aimed to make Blender easily usable for building Worlds/Mapping similar to how Hammer and
ProBuilder work. For Blender 2.8 and up.

  • Throw everything into the same folder,
  • Start the ProBuilderInBlender_By_Maebbie.blend file,
  • Import the keybinds from
    Edit -> Preferences -> Keymap -> Import -> Select the Keybinds imported on the center top.
  • Pick one depending on your Blender version:
    • From 2.83 and 2.9 onwards: Put the 
      C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\startup
      This will show your current Gridscale like you would in ProGrids when pressing N on the top right.
    • Prior to 2.83: Put the into C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\startup
      This will show your current Gridscale like you would in ProGrids when pressing N on the top right.
  • Hold Right Mouse and use WASD to fly around like in Unity, use the scroll wheel to make it go faster/slower while flying.
    • You may adjust the speed in Edit -> Preferences -> Navigation -> Walk - + and - (or Numpad + and -) adjust the Grid scale (press the magnet in the top center to turn off)
    • Rebind these at 3D View - 3D View (Global) - Context Scale Float if desired.
  • Middle Mouse button for the context menu in the Scene window (was Right Mouse before)
  • The other Controls are just like default Blender
  • Please copy using Shift+D and not ctrl+c ctrl+v or else you also duplicate materials
  • Generally in Blender you can execute a shortcut and press right Mouse to cancle movement. Meaning instead of duplicating and moving it, you cna duplicate, press the right mouse button and then move it with the arrows as it works in ProBuilder.
Common issues:issues

If you do not see the Gridtexture, go to the Material menu on the left center and add a
Image Texture where it says Color on the first of the 2 Diffuse BSDF shaders.
Then select the GridBox_Default texture for each material.

You can change the color of the Background by going into the Material Hacker Layout,
selecting "World" in the Node setup where it says Object by default and then going to
that one frame to change the Hue value from 0.5 to something else.
To use a Background image/Skybox go to the Context.World Menu (red globe on the bottom
right in the center of that menu, not the bottom one) and switch the Color option to
"Enviroment Texture"

If you got questions or run into any kind of issue, please share those!