Parameter |
notes |
Player Mobility |
- Using "Immobilize For Vehicle" with "Seated: false" will cause the pinned-down bug to a player. It's reported on canny.
- Someone exits the station, she/he cannot move by the stick.
- There are some walkarounds:
- Use the "Seated: true" station to fix the bug.
- (I think it will cause the other bugs by fast enter-exit on the station.)
- Use the station with the animator. If TrackingControl sets true to all, the pinned-down bug will removed completely, on SDK3.
- Another problem, there is no TrackingControl on worldSDK. Canny is here.
Animation Controller |
- If "Seated: false", SDK2 avatar plays and stacks in an animation pose.
Seated |
- If this is true, it causes the tracking bug on Hips.
- If The pose of the avatar is standing in before entering the station, it's fine. It crouching or below, Hips bone behaves strangely. It's reported on canny.
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